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Desc:A candidate like trump, except with awareness, intellect and empathy. Ok, so nothing like trump.
Category:News & Politics, Science & Technology
Tags:Brexit, Lord Buckethead, the space lord we need
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Comment count is 4
infinite zest - 2017-06-21

I've found myself having to explain Lord Buckethead's existence to friends who either haven't seen Hyperspace or are just confused by the whole thing. Best sentence I can come up with is "in America, we have Deez Nutz, but in England, they have Lord Buckethead" like I'm describing the Genesis and Megadrive. I hate being an American on such days.

Maggot Brain - 2017-06-22

The mid 20th century write in candidate was normal dominated by your guitar gods; Joe Walsh for President, Gregg Allmen for President, Jerry Garcia for President. I think the best out 21th century could produce is a Jack White or a Slash for president.

infinite zest - 2017-06-22

Well, Jello Biafra did run against Nader in 2000, but he's different I guess, like if Woody Guthrie would've run. Hmm imagine that!

BiggerJ - 2017-06-22

You know all those legends about great heroes not being dead but returning in our time of need? Well, both the KLF and Lord Buckethead are back. We're an ancient kind of fucked.

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