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Desc:I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Church Universal and Triumphant
Category:Educational, Religious
Tags:I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Church Unive
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Comment count is 10
Rangoon - 2017-05-28

What a nut.

Bisekrankas - 2017-05-28

Its a hell of a thing when Spock dies

Robin Kestrel - 2017-05-30


Gmork - 2017-05-28

Are you, though? Are you really?

Gmork - 2017-05-28

I just opened this in 6 tabs and let it play in its entirety. What the fuck is wrong with me.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-05-28

These guys are responsible for Zeitgeist. One can argue that these are the Thule Society responsible for the Alex Jones Brownshirts that have given us the Donald Trump fascist state.

exy - 2017-05-29

One can also argue that they ARE the resurrection and the life of church universal and triumphant. I'm not sure what the supporting claims would be, but a very short argument could be made.

Didn't know that about Zeitgeist, but I like the idea of them chanting together through screenings.

Meerkat - 2017-05-29

Who isn't?!

Toenails - 2017-05-29

Not nearly as bad as a Catholic funeral when you have to go over the Rosary.

Potter - 2017-05-30

What is that attitude she has at the start? Really strikes me a rather occult stance.

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