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Comment count is 7
Rangoon - 2017-03-30

Toot toot.

RedRust - 2017-03-30

The actual Popeyes brand canned spinach is of poor quality. They don't wash the spinach or something, so there are bits of rocks in it.

TeenerTot - 2017-03-31

Or Bluto's teeth.

Old_Zircon - 2017-03-30

I love the taste of spinach (raw, it's kind of disgusting cooked, no matter how well you do it) but about 75% of the time if I eat it I get a brutal case of the shits the next day, especially if it was cooked. It just doesn't agree with my gut, never has.

Maggot Brain - 2017-03-30

how does it taste?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-03-31

Sort of like the heart that Indiana Jones watched Molloram rip out of that one dude in Temple of Doom. Only with a tang of chlorella.

Scynne - 2017-03-31

Get that man a lab coat that fits! And some air conditioning.

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