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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2017-03-14

This is great. There are a whole bunch of these.

chumbucket - 2017-03-14


15th - 2017-03-14

This takes me back. High School in rural Michigan was fucking weird.

M-DEEM - 2017-03-14

I'll admit to having owned this cd in suburban WI

infinite zest - 2017-03-15

BACK before memes were memes, there was a video mashup of Cookie Monster and Tom Waits. Maybe it was after lolcats, anywhay it was a long time ago so this shouldn't be surprising that Grover is into Ruggish, and yet

Ninehells - 2017-03-15

Representin' Oldschool, straight from the street.

gravelstudios - 2017-03-15

"Man, I miss my uncle Charles, yall" was the moment that really got me.

RedRust - 2017-03-15

I always found it odd when uncle Charles' eyes turned black from the angel of death's touch...

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-03-15

Fourth-grade me thought this was the greatest song ever recorded.

The Mothership - 2017-03-16

Hey Kingarthur, how you doing man. You fending off the crossroads?

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