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Category:Music Videos, Misc/Unknown
Tags:shut up, EMF, literal insult bedrock, ill bet you think this song is about you, dont you
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Resubmit:Sludge Vohaul

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Comment count is 18
Gmork - 2016-12-02

Did not enjoy.

Waugh - 2016-12-02

don't you
don't you
don't you

Gmork - 2016-12-02

It's painful to watch you flail around thinking you're clever for quoting carly simon.

Waugh - 2016-12-02


Gmork - 2016-12-03

You, dumb-dumb. Nobody else here is quoting carly simon regularly.

Waugh - 2016-12-03

i mean who the hell is carly simon, did he cover nine inch nails or something

Gmork - 2016-12-04

Pretending to be stupid only works if you aren't actually stupid.

Waugh - 2016-12-04

can't argue with that, you're the expert

Gmork - 2016-12-04


Waugh - 2016-12-04

yes no u

Gmork - 2016-12-06

no u

Waugh - 2016-12-06

wabbit season

Gmork - 2016-12-06

no u

Waugh - 2016-12-06

wabbit season

Gmork - 2016-12-06

no u

Waugh - 2016-12-08

wabbit season

Gmork - 2016-12-08

no u

fedex - 2016-12-02

who are the people in the vineverminddontcare

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