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Desc:You need to drink more coke to activate your melanin to get back in touch with nature.
Category:Science & Technology, Religious
Tags:big head scientist, Hotep Negus Negusti Supreme: Melanite Carbonite, Carbonoid Melanoid, Melanated Carbonated
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Comment count is 10
gravelstudios - 2016-09-17

OK, so this channel is obviously a joke. What I want to know is whether the people behind it are white or black.

bawbag - 2016-09-17

It's a legit belief by some serious lunatic fringe elements, so I think the channel might be in serious Poe's law territory.

Most of this stuff comes from the works of Elijah Muhammad (Founder of Nation of Islam), specifically 'Yakub (Jacob): the father of mankind' where he tells how a big-headed scientist (Yakub) created white people etc.

bawbag - 2016-09-17

*Leader, not founder.

RedRust - 2016-09-17

Cofounder of Nation of Islam Wallace Fard Muhammad was a white man.

Maggot Brain - 2016-09-17

If this was a joke the hand drawn art world be much better and the videos wound't be as long.

Maggot Brain - 2016-09-17

John Pemberton stole the fomula for coca cola from the black man.

betamaxed - 2016-09-17

Big Head Scientist has played their hand a few times that indicates they don't necessarily believe this stuff but they show a great fondness for the material that these videos are about. Think of it as a video encyclopedia of nutso fringe religious beliefs and cosmologies.

gravelstudios - 2016-09-18

That's what I meant by my above comment. It seems obvious to me that the channel is making fun of this particular world view, but they've obviously spent a lot of time learning about it as well. What I wondered was whether it was fondly intended or not.

Space Odin - 2016-09-18

Yeah -- there's an element of "loving tribute" here.

RealmOne - 2016-09-18

I believe that the creator of these videos is a black science-fiction nerd who grew up in an insane New Age Black Nationalist family. This is like some modern creative-play theory thing. But in the end the uncertainty is the spice, aged deeply with years of videos.

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