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Comment count is 6
Wheelie McJesus - 2016-08-20

The gentleman with the stuck knee would go on to be half of the two-man team that made the first fair-means ascent of Cerro Torre's Southeast Ridge.

The Mothership - 2016-08-20

This story rings true.

misterbuns - 2016-08-20


Accidie - 2016-08-20

I've been climbing for 6 years or so. I still don't understand while the culture amounts to a bunch of surfers on a camping trip.

Adham Nu'man - 2017-05-12

I started with rock climbing but gradually shifted towards caving and canyoneering, partly because I started kind of old and knew I'd never be able to take on some real rock climbing challenges, but a great deal of it is I never really enjoyed the spiritual bro dude attitude of the community. Cavers tend to be an assortment of older nerds and scientists.

Serious canyoneers tend to be wilderness experts and nature lovers with some sort of deathwish.

memedumpster - 2016-08-21

Unfriended 2's opening scene.

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