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Desc:'And every time someone says ‘Islamophobia,’ it gives the people who are intimidating cover'
Category:News & Politics, Religious
Tags:fear, islam, bill maher, trump, Brexit
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Comment count is 12
Anaxagoras - 2016-06-28

Yes, Bill, it is "really a phobia" even if there is something to fear. See, the "phobia" suffix denotes an *irrational* fear; i.e. a fear blown out of proportion. The object of the phobia may be something genuinely fearful. The acrophobes are on to something: falling from a great height will indeed kill you. Similarly, some spiders are genuinely poisonous, so arachnophobes aren't being completely irrational.

Similarly, the xenophobia that fueled the Brexit is, indeed, a phobia. The fact that some foreigners are dangerous doesn't change the fact that most foreigners are decent folk. Well, they're as decent as any other group of people, at any rate.


bawbag - 2016-06-28

Maher's been on the 'making hating muslims acceptable' train for way too long.

The brogressives on Reddit love the guy for obvious reasons, they can pay lipservice to being 'liberals' while having Maher tell them that their particular hatreds are a-ok and not at all like the same nationalistic, xenophobic shit from the right.

Hegemony Cricket - 2016-06-28

I hope his show lasts another thirty years so we get to watch him continue failing at not aging horribly.

I can only imagine the banal horrors endured by the countless whores jerking off that self-hating sad sack to bitter completion.


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-06-28

According to IraqBodyCount.org, Civilain death in Iraq fall within a range between 160,017 to 178,829. How many 9/11s is that? Seventy? Eighty? Ordered by US president who was unwilling to take a firm position on evolution, and who believed God had chosen him to be president. In the west, our fucked up religion has as much to do with the fucked up things we we do as the Islam in the east.

simon666 - 2016-06-28

Therefore, no moral culpability! Right?

But seriously, we can embody legitimate post colonial concerns and worries and also criticize a doctrine the believers of which in large numbers take as legitimate the acts honor killings, killing apostates, and killing homosexuals in virtue of their beliefs in that doctrine.

Bobonne - 2016-06-28

I don't have a problem with muslims, and live in the neighborhood with the highest percentage of muslim immigrants in my city.

Fuck Islam, though.

(Just like I also espouse fucking Christianity, fucking Judaism, fucking Buddhism, fucking Hinduism, fucking Mormonism, fucking Jehovah's Witnessing, fucking Ba'haism, fucking Shinto, fucking cargo cults...and fucking "rationalists" that use good principles as an excuse for bad ones.)

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-06-28

.>>>Therefore, no moral culpability! Right?

Yes. No. What?

But seriously, we can embody legitimate post colonial concerns and worries and also criticize a doctrine the believers of which in large numbers take as legitimate the acts honor killings, killing apostates, and killing homosexuals in virtue of their beliefs in that doctrine.

Well, of course. We're talking about the idea that all muslims are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Remember the "Mosque at Ground Zero"? The reason why muslims wanted to build a community center in lower Manhattan was because that was their community. Many of them were American citizens. It was their neighborhood that had been attacked, and many Muslims died. In recent years, the muslim community has done much to notify the authorities of potential threats. And yet, American Muslims are conflated with the murderers.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2016-06-29

>I don't have a problem with muslims, and live in the >neighborhood with the highest percentage of muslim immigrants >in my city.

>Fuck Islam, though.

Long no see gents. Coming to you in live from Saudi Arabia behind a VPN that blocked PoeTV for me after I looked up the Saudi Arabia tag on the site.

This is exactly how I feel these days. I'm tired of the hand-wringing and excuses given to a frankly backward ideology. However, I know that not everyone subscribes wholesale to the stupidity any more than all Christians are bible-thumping young earthers who loves their guns. Yet, if asked "More? y/n" I would probably break my N key.

Bobonne - 2016-06-29

Good to see you again, UCF. What's your job there?

memedumpster - 2016-06-28

The need to use an adjective on someone's shitbag human violence instinct to justify your own identical but unlabeled shitbag human violence instinct doesn't erase that you are an identical kind of shitbag.

15th - 2016-06-29

This made Maher unbearable to me:


Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2016-06-29

Without getting too specific now, I'm a teacher for the absolute worst wastes of humanity I've ever had the chance to come across. I've actually made some Saudi friends who are well educated and don't support all of this stupidity, even having gone a clandestine date with a local gal, so I know the whole country isn't ALL full of idiots, but the rank and file....holy crap man.

And don't even get me started on the brainwashed fanatics that the converts consist of who confirm most if not every fear of creeping shariah save for the fact that they wisely choose to live in a place where their ideology is the mainstream and I'm the outlier who would gladly like to see it fall apart.

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