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Comment count is 18
merzbau - 2007-04-16


Pandatronic - 2007-04-16

This is by the man who is directing the Halloween remake.

casualcollapse - 2021-12-07

sure about that?

Bone_Vulture - 2007-04-16

If I were a millionaire, I'd finance a movie just to get Cage play that role.

B. Weed - 2007-04-16

From the way people are talking, this one would've been better than Death Proof.

EvilHomer - 2007-04-16

My life will not be complete until this movie becomes a reality.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-04-16

"THIS...IS...MY....MECCA!" Also, Death Proof was great, I don't know why people are badmouthing it

athodyd - 2007-04-16


mysterycar - 2007-04-16

could they maybe make a sequel to grindhouse with this and the thanksgiving killer trailer? please?

sudan no1 - 2007-04-17

watch this in the theaters THEY WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE SEEN, goobers.

yeahjim - 2007-05-16

Oswald: because they are too overstimulated to appreciate rising tension.

FABIO2 - 2007-07-11

Still not as laughably bad as Wicker Man, Nicky.

meowmers - 2007-07-21

sherri moon sucks.

Maxville - 2007-07-22

Sherri Moon rules

theFlu - 2007-11-05

The current fad of hollywood grindhouse films, that are meant to look low budget and shocking is a shitty fad.
Real exploitation films can't be made by big name stars, on massive hollywood pay-rolls - and they certainly shouldn't be given top billing at any given popular theater.

'Snakes on a plane', and 'Grindhouse' fail because they were intended to look a certain way, by pretentious twats; who were actively seeking to produce a low-budget-looking film for high end revenue.

Movies from 'Brain Damage' films, and other such production companies are the true masters of Grindhouse. Not that self-loving fag, Tarantino, or Rob Zombie.

I can't stand these posers work. If I could give this a zero, I would.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-05-19

id compliment your love for the aesthetic of hunger if I wasnt totally sure you were full to the brim with bullshit yourself

Xiphias - 2008-11-11

god I am late to this but SHUT UP

Riskbreaker - 2011-10-18

Damn, i'm with the Flu, on the other hand i liked Machete, but as for Deathproof and that other thing Rodriguez made, boring indeed.

I'll give this four stars neverless, because, well, NIC CAGE AS FU MAN CHU!

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