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Comment count is 8
boner - 2016-03-18

I was impressed that Georgia have their own Ant & Dec.

baleen - 2016-03-19

The Human Enigma.

Well, I laughed at least.

wtf japan - 2016-03-19

People in Eastern Europe and the Russian SOI love Michael Winslow and Bobby McFerrin for some reason. They both go on tours around here fairly frequently.

Disaster - 2016-03-19

Some parts were really neat, some parts were really embarrassing.

bopeton - 2016-03-19

He won, or what? It's interesting how something can be simultaneously hilarious and fascinating. I don't know if I'd give him a victory X or whatever though.

chumbucket - 2016-03-19


baleen - 2016-03-20


Bort - 2016-03-21

Needs a "Caucasian guy reaction shots" tag.

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