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Desc:A middle-aged Japanese man reinacting an anime show intro... prepare the eye-bleach.
Category:Horror, Music Videos
Tags:Anime, horror, card, captor, japanese man
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Resubmit:Jet Bin Fever

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Comment count is 10
Aelric - 2007-04-18

if an american did it, it would be parody, when an japanese man does it, it's perversion.

kingarthur - 2007-04-18

Parody either way it seems.

boba. - 2007-04-18

reminds me of small wonder

Capn Profan!ty - 2007-04-18

I think we just killed Caminante.

Cheese - 2007-04-18

Reminds me os Small Wonder, acted out by your dad.

Caminante - 2007-04-18


voodoo_pork - 2007-04-18


Feyd - 2007-04-18

There is no reason to watch this.

BAC - 2007-04-19


tamago - 2007-06-05

I love anime, but goddamn if 90% of its fans don't scare the shit out of me.

Adult Swim put it best-Shows rock, fans suck.

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