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Comment count is 30
Caminante - 2007-04-03

You have got to be kidding me.

timmylean - 2007-04-03

Is Cheney lying in wait?

Ersatz - 2007-04-03

He's outside during the day, ergo he CAN'T be a vampire. You owe me .

Portaxx - 2007-04-03

Next he needs to hide perfectly behind a very thin tree like in a cartoon

Bebido - 2007-04-03

Its unacceptable to bush.

SecretJunk - 2007-04-03

The camera just missed him zipping up his giant dong after taking a leak behind the rose bushes

Dib - 2007-04-03

Now if somebody could just add Creepy Clown next to him.

zatojones - 2007-04-03

A higher resolution camera would have been able to see the strings Cheney was pulling.

minimalist - 2007-04-03

He's just waiting to take George to soccer practice after the speech.

Baby Finster - 2007-04-04

Cheney's remote control only has a range of 50 yards.

bahgead - 2007-04-04

He's pick out a reporter to shoot in the face with his shotgun.

sudan no1 - 2007-04-04


kingarthur - 2007-04-04

Get Batman on the phone! The Penguin's on the loose!

erix - 2007-04-04

He looks so lonely!

Camonk - 2007-04-04

He just decided, today I'm not even going to pretend this isn't what I always do.

love - 2007-04-04

wow. creepy any way you slice it.

panipuri - 2007-04-04

hahaha! this is how american government works!

kthorjensen - 2007-04-05

Is he standing on a grassy knoll?

jim - 2007-04-06

next time will be like the final scene in misery

bopeton - 2007-04-06

Five stars just for the cameraman noticing and filming it like that.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-04-19


BAC - 2007-04-22

he looked like his heart was getting ready to explode.

Stopheles - 2007-04-27

You can't make this stuff up, kids.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-19

I pictured Cape Fear music when I saw this.

nubilus - 2007-08-14

he needs a hug

B_Ko - 2007-08-19

Thanks to this video i periodically check behind myself just in case Cheney may be lurking somewhere near me.

Vicious - 2008-02-10

You call that hiding?

Blackbetta - 2008-04-30

Gee, Vicious Ninjalicious, maybe you should give him lessons.

Vicious - 2009-02-13

I wanted to see him peeking out of the bushes like Arte Johnson.

DiscreteComponents - 2008-04-10

All that's missing is the dramatic ticking clock and the split screen showing Jack Bauer infiltrating an abandoned factory with a tactical team while Chloe sits nervously at her workstation back at CTU.

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