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Comment count is 61
EvilHomer - 2015-08-22

A lot of thought and care went into editing that clip of Boxxy shaking her ass!

Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KTj1AX8hmk

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

The booty part... uh, beauty part of the ass-shaking is that it's essentially an expression of defiance.


kingarthur - 2015-08-22

Five stars for creepy. JHM seems to be older than me and I used to teach kids that are now Boxxy's age.

kingarthur - 2015-08-22

Those kids having been age ten at the time. You're lusting over a ten year old, JHM.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-22


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

>>Five stars for creepy. JHM seems to be older than me and I used to teach kids that are now Boxxy's age.

>>Those kids having been age ten at the time. You're lusting over a ten year old, JHM.

What were you teaching those kids? (I hope it wasn't math!)

themilkshark - 2015-08-23

JHM you're so fucking creepy. I hate how you try to defend your attraction to a young girl with feminist tropes. That's some Jared from Subway shit.

Callamon - 2015-08-22

Fuck I was trying to one star this shit.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

Who the hell are you?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-23

Was Jared from Subway a feminist, or is this just something you pulled out of your ass?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

You know, I heart Catie and all, but I'd make videos like this about Daniel Songer if he understood and cared about things like lighting and framing the way Carie does. Catie and Daniel Songer are the two most fascinating, most iconic people I can think of on the internet. A third might be Chris Crocker. In different ways, I consider all these people to be especially courageous.

Catie may be moving away from the internet. She's changing her image in ways I don't care for, but I have no complaints. People are always implying that I have a weird sexual obsession with Catie, and I find that easy to deny, Lucky for me, no one ever thought to ask if I was in love with her. I believe that I was. I'm over it now. If I hadn't gotten over it, that would be terribly terribly sad, but I had exactly the relationship I needed with her, which is no relationship. Once again, I doubt that she and i could even be friends in real life, but no one ever had a more magnificent muse.

When I first encountered her, I thought I'd never know what happened to her. She was lost, a victim, collateral damage in the quest for lulz. 4chan had stolen her image, I became taken with the intelligent girl winking at me behind the Boxxy mask. She was a child, she'd been terrorized, she'd done nothing but make a few videos for her friends, and now anons were coming to her house. You could never tell if they were the anons who loved her or the ones who hated her. Her family moved. Where is she? Is she okay?

And then she came back. Reclaiming her image was a struggle for years. I know from her mother that there was doubt, pain, The thing people said about her got to her. They treated her like they're now treating Anita, searching everything she said or did for evidence of "lies" They wanted her to give up being herself and be nothing but Boxxy, until they were tired of Boxxy, then they would forget her.

But in the end, she owned it. Because she owned it.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-22

You should ask her mother to sign up for an account here, I would love to hear what she has to say about the world.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

She's been here. I was so proud of the response to the first POETV superbowl ad video, I sent her a link. She was amused by my username, but I don't think she he has time for any more internet accounts.

Check this out:


EvilHomer - 2015-08-22

So she's into cats too, huh? I can see why she fancies you.

Oh, and why are you back to making baseless accusations about 4chan? I thought we'd been over this. "Terrorized". Just how many organized rape gangs has Boxxy brought to justice, hmm?

That guy - 2015-08-22

Nobody is implying that I have a weird sexual obsession with Catie, and I find that easy to confirm. I don't. I just want to hump her.

ashtar. - 2015-08-22

JHM: have you ever done sex?

themilkshark - 2015-08-23


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

That guy: Nothing really wrong with that. She's 23 now. We've all seen younger girls in porn.

ashtar: Yes. Not lately, though. Listening to Jim Carroll's "It's Too Late" changed my life.

That guy - 2015-08-22

23 is old enough to make a bad decision with a guy like That.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-22

>>Oh, and why are you back to making baseless accusations about 4chan? I thought we'd been over this. "Terrorized". Just how many organized rape gangs has Boxxy brought to justice, hmm?

Ordinarily, I'd be happy to take the bait, Homer. I love to rant about this stuff, but you caught be on an off night.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-22

It's a simple question, John. I'll even give you the answer: it's zero. Zero is the number of organized rape gangs Boxxy has brought to justice.

That guy - 2015-08-22

you 2 are a match made in heaven

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-23

Oh, it's a simple question, all right!

baleen - 2015-08-23

I don't know man.

themilkshark - 2015-08-23

JHM is going to have a seat with Chris Hansen one day

themilkshark - 2015-08-23

Six seconds. That's how far I made it. You will never have her JHM. This is the closest you can ever be.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-23


>>JHM you're so fucking creepy. I hate how you try to defend your attraction to a young girl with feminist tropes. That's some Jared from Subway shit.

>>Six seconds. That's how far I made it. You will never have her JHM. This is the closest you can ever be.

Fuck you, okay? If I was sexually attracted to this girl, I wouldn't need to justify it to you. She's 23. When my mom was 23, she had two kids. Most women in porn are younger than that. Do you even know what a pedophile is?

But here's the main thing: you can't read my mind over the internet, even if you think you can. You can't watch six seconds of my video and expect to me give a rat's ass what you think of it.

When you talk about me, and you don't know me, you don't know what you're talking about. That's simple logic.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-23

I've said this before, and it's true. If anybody thinks this is creepy, I completely get that. I'm quite sympathetic, even though it's not my problem. If our roles were reversed, I might feel the same way. But I'm not doing anything wrong, and if you want to accuse me of doing something wrong to justify your discomfort, you'll need to catch me doing something wrong, or GTFO.

themilkshark - 2015-08-23

Don't look at videos of a girl you like when they were below age of consent. That's simple logic, because sexualizing a child's body is wrong. If you have ever had a girlfriend, and you were rewatching old videos of her alone from before she could drive, that girlfriend would begin questioning her decision making, if she hadn't already. What's extra creepy, JHM, is that you defend and justify liking this young girl so much that it comes off overcompensating. You are convincing yourself through rants that what you are doing isn't creepy even though you can feel that you are disruptive when you express your attraction to this young woman.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-23

>>You are convincing yourself through rants that what you are doing isn't creepy even though you can feel that you are disruptive when you express your attraction to this young woman.

So you really DO think you can read my mind over the internet, don't you?

I'm not convincing myself that it isn't creepy. I just said it's probably creepy. I don't fucking care. Look it up. Being creepy doesn't mean I've done something wrong. It means I make you uneasy. It's something I have no control over, and it's not my problem.

Around 2010, this girl used to get death threats and rape threats on her youtube page around ten times a day. One guy said he wanted to inject beach into her veins. Someone posted a cartoon on 4chan that showed her answering her door and being shot in the face, and her corpse being sodomized, apparently through the eye socket. You think I'm creepy? I bet those guys would all agree with you.

>>Don't look at videos of a girl you like when they were below age of consent. That's simple logic, because sexualizing a child's body is wrong.

I never did. You don't believe me? That's something I have no control over, and it's not my problem. (You know those original Boxxy videos were shot from the neck up, right?)

>>you can feel that you are disruptive when you express your attraction to this young woman

How am I being disruptive? Because I'm somehow forcing you to carry on like this? What do you mean by attraction?

Listen, asshole, if I ever said anything disrespectful about Catie Wayne, you just show me the text, okay? That's all you have to do. You called me a pedophile before, and now it seems like you're moving the goalposts. Don't bother me with what you imagine is in my head. Everything I've ever said is on the record, beyond my ability to change or delete. If I actually said something overtly sexual or otherwise disrespectful, you should be able to show me, Do it, faggot.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-23

I like you, John, and I accept you for who you are.

themilkshark - 2015-08-25

Your homophobic slur use says a lot about you, and really hurts the feminist image you poorly attempt to portray.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

I was sucking dick before you were sperm.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

Actually, i prefer: I was sucking dick before your daddy's balls dropped.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-23

Much appreciated,Homer.



EvilHomer - 2015-08-24

Was that second one written by Boxxy herself?

Because oh my god, she's dumb. Does she not realize you're supposed to capitalize the first letter in every sentence? Maybe she should spend more time studying and less time with a dick in her mouth.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-24

I'm going to to take that as an acknowledgement of her obvious intelligence. Thank you for noticing, Homer.

She's surfing now. Can you imagine? "I stood up twice today. Goodbye internet!"

>>You will never have her JHM. This is the closest you can ever be.

Listen up, dummy. What I want is to BE her. And through making my own videos, I come a little closer all the time. At the deepest level, I see Catie as the gifted young person I once was, before my life got messed up. I've always identified with female figures, it's part of my own special queerness. And following her is helping me find my way back, although there's no getting back the time I've lost, and that hurts sometimes. I'm older, and I'm more comfortable behind the camera, so I'll probably never be a youtube celebrity, but I'm starting to make good videos. These past few years I've been cranking out videos that weren't particularly inspired, because that's the only for me to be ready when inspiration strikes.

I'll admit that when she was a lost child, I wanted to be her hero. Well, it turned out the other way around, and that was better for all concerned.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-24

No, I'm sorry, I must have misspoke. What I meant to say was: oh my god, she's dumb.

I'm not a grammar Nazi, and I'll happily overlook a few typos here and there, but that link you just posted was completely unacceptable. You do not yammer on for fifteen or more paragraphs without capitalizing a single letter; that's not an innocent mistake, that's sheer ignorance. That is a clear and ongoing pattern of ignorance.

>> Listen up, dummy. What I want is to BE her. And through making my own videos, I come a little closer all the time... I'll admit that when she was a lost child, I wanted to be her hero. Well, it turned out the other way around.

If I ever become a young, renegade filmmaker, I would like you to be my Divine.

themilkshark - 2015-08-25

It's funny how you reply in new comments.

You wanting to be her is way more creepy. I think you're a lot closer to being Rickytic3 so maybe you should emulate him.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

>>You wanting to be her is way more creepy.

I'm glad you think so. Since you've failed so miserably to justify your reaction morally, and are now forced to be obvious about your bigotry, I can revel in your discomfort.

Can't you just leave it alone? Well, it would be fine if you could, but if you can't? That's WAY better!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-24

>>>I'm not a grammar Nazi, and I'll happily overlook a few typos here and there, but that link you just posted was completely unacceptable. You do not yammer on for fifteen or more paragraphs without capitalizing a single letter; that's not an innocent mistake, that's sheer ignorance. That is a clear and ongoing pattern of ignorance.

Because she's always got a dick in her mouth? Homer, you're trying too hard.

While The Milk Shark, and I were raging at each other, I tweeted Catie a funny video, and she favorited my tweet. That's what it's like now. All of this drama with 4chan and unichan happened a long time ago, and now Catie exists in a sane, happy, low key part of the internet, because that's the way she likes it. She was gradually able to turn down the drama with her patience, and her wisdom, and by knowing when to take the bait, which was never.

This video was two years ago, I'm not making a lot of Catie remixes now, though I've had something special on the back burner for the past few months. I've found other things to inspire me. Now it's all about sending her a funny tweet, and seeing if it'll get favorited. When that happens, it means I've made the cutest, funniest girl on the internet laugh, and that tickles me. It's as simple, and as innocent, as that.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-24

Actually, you know what, don't tell her mom to come here. Tell *her* to come here. I'd love to hear what she has to say about you.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-24

How much does she know about you, anyway? Have you actually told her any of this, or is your relationship more of a John Hinckley & Jodie Foster kind of thing?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-24

I'm about 80 per cent sure that Catie knows I'm alive.

Lisa and I are intimate friends, Catie and I are not. I'm sure I've told her all of this and more over the past few years, and she's always been nice to me, but I'm definitely fanzoned, and she's got a lot of fans. I am not the weirdest, or the creepiest, or the most devoted. I may be the oldest, but that doesn't make me very interesting, does it?

Catie's fans are great, by the way. They're really smart, sensitive, and creative. There are hints that Catie and Lisa have talked about me, so she may be more aware of me than I imagine.

I don't really know Catie well enough to know if I'd like to be friends with her, but I know I want is to work with her on a video. Maybe someday, after I've gotten good.

themilkshark - 2015-08-25

She's run of the mill. Her fanbase is small and that's why you got so close.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

>>She's run of the mill. Her fanbase is small and that's why you got so close.

I'll have to give you that one. It's not like she's Ray William Johnson or something.

Jesus Christ, Milk Shark, what is your fucking problem? You stated out by accusing me of pedophilia, I pointed out that she was very much of age. So you accused me of me of being some kind of generic sex perv. I challenged you to find where I'd actually said something a sex perv might say, and so now you've moved the goal posts again, and now you're just being a generic bitch. It seems to me that the issue here isn't that I've got a hardon, for Catie, it's that you've got some kind of hardon for me. you haven't proven that I'm doing anything wrong. What is this obsession you have with spoiling my fun?

Go ahead and try, okay?

I never did get particularly close to Catie. Like I keep saying, that's not the point. I got close to her Mom, who is a very kind lady who loves the Ramones, and also recently lost her mother. Catie's mom doesn't make videos, so she obviously doesn't have much of a fanbase at all.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-25

Marrying an old widow so you can get close to her hot daughter seems to be a pretty common fantasy, John. You're not fooling anyone, John Holmes Stepdaughterfetishist.

Again, though, I accept you for who you are. I only wish you could do the same. :(

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

Marrying an old widow so you can get close to her hot daughter seems to be a pretty common fantasy, John. You're not fooling anyone, John Holmes Stepdaughterfetishist.

I wish i knew some kind ladies who loved the Ramones and lived in my state, or even my time zone.

>>Again, though, I accept you for who you are. I only wish you could do the same. :(

You wish I could accept you? Or myself?

EvilHomer - 2015-08-25

Yourself. Many of the emotional problems which you've discussed in these Boxxy submissions, I think they could be cleared up if you came out the closet, at least privately, to yourself.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-25


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

The reality, Homer, is that I couldn't possibly be more out of the closet than I already am. Four years ago,somebody in BO-News dug through my Google accounts and revealed what was, at the time, the horrible secret that I never intended to reveal in here. Once it was out it was out, and whoever that was did me a favor.

I honestly think you're just trolling me, which is fun for you, and for me, too. If i hadn't found a reply from you (or, for different reasons, milk shark) I would have been dissappointed.

All of my fantasies about Catie Wayne involve making videos with her. If she wanted to marry me, I'd marry her, so I could get her to appear in my videos. If I married her Mom, I'd eventually get around to trying to get Catie to appear in my videos. I once proposed a collaboration over the internet, but she never got back to me.

If you really don't believe that, it's not because you have any evidence to the contrary, it's because you lack the imagination to conceive of such a thing, which is beyond my control and not my problem.

And what if there is some desire that I have suppressed, or haven't figured out, or am otherwise unaware of?

>>Many of the emotional problems which you've discussed in these Boxxy submissions, I think they could be cleared up if you came out the closet, at least privately, to yourself.

Come on, Homer, you know that's bullshit. Whatever emotional issues I have, they're not going to be helped by resolving a relationship with someone I don't have a relationship with. Freud would believe that the origin of my fandom (like every other emotion) is sexual, but even Freud would probably want me to concentrate on something a little more substantial, e.g. my relationship with my recently deceased mother. In fact, Freud might decide that I'm using Catie to get to her mother, to replace a relationship that was damaged long before it was severed.

I gotta go. I did have a therapist for several years (he recently retired) and believe me, we talked about Boxxy. So don't worry about me too much, Dr. Homer.

themilkshark - 2015-09-09

JHM it seems like this Boxxy person is your totem or spirit animal,. like you live vicariously through her, take credit for her accomplishments, seduce family members to get closer... Let me just mention the thought of a beautiful young woman meeting her mother's "friend" who has very obviously made clear his attraction to her online is horrifying. That is one of the worst impressions you could ever make, not to mention the shallow reason for initiating contact. I think when they are telling you to come out, they want you to ditch whatever it is about your fixation with the Boxxy security blanket mechanism and be what you are. Maybe there's a girl that wants to talk to you, but you're making bad videos to get Boxxy's attention, or her mom's. It's not good.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25


themilkshark - 2015-09-09

Gross. Move along for fuck's sake.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

It makes me sad that we didn't talk about the video at all. I'm proud of this one.

themilkshark - 2015-09-09

It's shit

EvilHomer - 2015-08-25

>> I honestly think you're just trolling me... Come on, Homer, you know that's bullshit.

No, it's not bullshit. I'm being serious. You've done nothing wrong, John. It's not your fault.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-25

Homer, it's bullshit, even if you're being serious, You can't read my mind over the internet, and I'm not about to let you psychoanalyse me under any circumstances.

I think this is played out. I don't believe I have feelings for Catie that I'm not aware of, and if I do, why should I care? I'm probably never going to meet her. If I'm sublimating these hypothetical feelings into making videos, well, that's working really well for me. Even if I was her age, and she was interested in me, she makes a better muse than a girlfriend. I don't want to be with a woman who half the internet is in love with.

I'll leave you with the only known footage of Catie with a boyfriend. Watch that poor bastard squirm!


EvilHomer - 2015-08-26


You've done nothing wrong.

It's not your fault.

themilkshark - 2015-09-09

Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore..

Callamon - 2015-08-29

Plaid_Knight is that you ?

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