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Comment count is 7
TeenerTot - 2015-06-23


Dr. Lobotomy - 2015-06-23

Oh God, that face.

StanleyPain - 2015-06-23

It's even worse in context, as the ad is for an app that let's you find hotel rooms quickly. WTF Korea.

infinite zest - 2015-06-23

Oh.. most hotel commercials are pretty funny and casually racy in their content here in the states too, like the one where the family books the two bedroom so their kids can't hear them having sex.. something like that.. not to mention a commercial I saw for Grinder recently.

Aelric - 2015-06-23

Most Korean of both genders live with their parents until they are married, so the love motels with hourly rates are EVERYWHERE for the young folks to have human-like sexual relations without their parents knowing.

The byproduct of this saturated market was that they were are cheap as dirt, so the love motels are absolutely where you should stay if you are traveling in Korea. Nice rooms, low prices, most of them don't allow hookers in and as long as you don't mind that people fucked in the bed you are in (like every hotel on earth) then they are great. Typically, it'll only be about for an overnight.

This ad was still creepy, but Korea is just now coming out of it's shell about sex. Remember all those weird hyper-sexual, confusing 60 and 70 comics and cartoon and stuff that we had shortly after we realized that not everyone is a virgin till marriage? That's this commercial. They'll eventually get it all sorted....or they will turn into Japan.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-06-23

Male turtles are the ones with indentations on their plastron.

fedex - 2015-06-24

That's hot

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