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Desc:Its the version with an ipod, eh
Category:News & Politics
Tags:stupid, apple, 1984, Hillary Clinton
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Comment count is 7
Billy Buttsex - 2007-03-21

Can someone tell me why this ad is "all the rage?"

Stog - 2007-03-21

Lame. +1 star for Ann Coulter's laughably ignorant knee-jerk response to it, however

Goofy Gorilla - 2007-03-21

This is like one of those frat party shirts where the "Jack Daniels" is replaced with Greek letters.

xenocide - 2007-03-21

Are conservative "satirists" even capable of original ideas anymore?

phalsebob - 2007-03-21

Save the sheeple you freethinking rebel!!!

KnowFuture - 2007-03-21

So very, very much sadness in the Ytube comments for this clip....

fluffy - 2007-12-02

Obama's supporters aren't doing him any favors, here.

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