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Comment count is 11
zatojones - 2007-03-19

Two great tastes that don't taste so good together

boner - 2007-03-19

I know a hobo who would love this

Afgh - 2007-03-19

Am I a homo if I was mostly looking at their trigger discipline? Only the first two got it right.

Endoris - 2007-03-19

Afgh - you right. I wouldn't have noticed unless you pointed it out.

The Hater - 2007-03-19

I liked hating this.

Jacques Strap - 2007-03-19

On every redneck's hard drive that's for sure.

Camonk - 2007-03-21

Let's not ruin this with words.

gambol - 2007-05-28


Vicious - 2007-07-12

This teaches people to view guns solely as objects!

ebola - 2007-08-09

No way they were shooting live ammo right? Those had to be blanks.

Also who was the shotgun chick shooting?


poples - 2007-11-26

Josif Stalin?

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