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Desc:Angry carnivores eat bacon at angry vegans over a shitty book.
Category:Humor, None
Tags:Everyone in this argument is awful, bacon is a tired internet meme that needs to fuck
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Comment count is 40
Oscar Wildcat - 2015-03-20

Clearly neither of these people have thought this thing through... Time for a trip down the mighty Amazon.

Sanest Man Alive - 2015-03-20

No, bacon does not need to fuck. That's the last thing I ever want to see bacon do.

fluffy - 2015-03-20

"We don't care about negative reviews."

This is the wrong way to go about responding to them. They could have turned this into a marketing opportunity by taking it in stride and humor, but instead they've just shown themselves to be obnoxious and entitled and they will probably never sell another copy (except to other angry carnivores).

infinite zest - 2015-03-20

These people are annoying, but that's a pretty good tactic. I'm vegan and I approve. Back when I was making my wedding registry we used amazon.com, and she'd regularly get pissed at me for finding stuff like "Fresh Whole Rabbit" and.. well actually "Pure Wolf Urine" and sticking it on the registry while she was asking for serious and practical stuff. This was like 2003 or so, but the reviews for the rabbit were really hilarious to me, and I can 99% guarantee that nobody bought the rabbit. But it also made people aware of the product.. I guess that's the price of fame. But a whole bunch of vegans bitching simply because it's a book about bacon? Not cool. I don't hear a whole bunch of carnivores writing negative reviews about the vegan-only restaurants that exist simply to prove a point that meat's like.. I dunno.. something that we've done for millions of years??

But there's this restaurant here that I've mentioned before that kind of glorifies the meat, with hot babes (the owners) staring off into the distance with a pig carcass over their shoulder, things like that. And I fucking ate there for a family member's birthday! It wasn't MY birthday.. anyway there's protests out there all the time, and the negative Yelp reviews are obviously from vegans who go as far to say that they had roaches and things like that, got food poisoning, etc. When I went in there I was embarrassed, not just for the protesters who have the same diet as myself, but also because, well, you paid in advance for a set course meal, none of which I could eat, and didn't want to be rude (also I didn't know they paid in advance). And what'd they do when I kind of whispered it to my mom? They ordered food from another place and substituted that. Fucking badass. I think more vegans are super dicks than carnivores.

Nominal - 2015-03-20

You got engaged at 21?

infinite zest - 2015-03-20

Yep.. Oh well..

fluffy - 2015-03-21

Someone needs to collect all of infinite zest's personal stories on PoeTV into one big crazy biography.

misterbuns - 2015-03-20

I voted this up because it is probably one of the worst things I have seen on the internet.

Gmork - 2015-03-20

People threatening to eat food because of some childish mass-mob review social justice warriors?

That's the most evil thing? I do believe I see an IRA car bombing video not one page-scroll's length from this very video.

Gmork - 2015-03-20

Oh and make no mistake these people are obviously trying to cash in on some bullshit and they are clearly annoying pricks, let me get that crystal clear right away.

I didn't watch all of it. Did they threaten to feed the baby bacon?

I kind of turned it off because it embarrasses me when people stumble over words and this guy makes Tobias Funke look eloquent and composed.

Cena_mark - 2015-03-20

They didn't feed the baby bacon. They pulled a toddler into the shot and tried to feed him bacon, but the kid seemed more into playing with it than eating it.

misterbuns - 2015-03-21

worst is a different concept that evil.

it's interesting you compared this to terrorism though,

War Nerd wrote an essay about how the banality of modern life radicalizes rational westerners and I can't think of a more banal awful expression of modern western life than this.

That guy - 2015-03-21

It gives my life some meaning, ok?

mon666ster - 2015-03-20

Jesus, are we not over the whole bacon thing yet?

I'm a vegan, I read some of the reviews on Amazon, and I agree. I also watched a minute of this video before I had to turn it off. These people are losers who probably thought they'd sell a million copies cashing in on the bacon craze which, I again assume to be over.

Cena_mark - 2015-03-20

Its pretty much over. There are a few lame-o dweebs who still cling to it. I never bought into it. I like bacon, but its hardly the star of the show. I can eat a good 20 ounce steak, but the thought of eating 20 ounces of bacon makes me sick. Its too fatty, its too salty, its not filling. Bacon is a side. Bacon is a topping. Bacon is terribly overrated.

Gmork - 2015-03-20

Oh shut the fuck up, just because a bunch of people made annoying bacon memes doesn't mean it isn't still an amazing food. It's better as a topping than anything else, IMO. Though I do love some thick cut applewood smoked bacon from the fancy grocery store up the street.

Cena_mark - 2015-03-20

I love bacon as a topping. Think of its role in a burger along with the tomato and pickle. Bacon = tomato and pickle.

mon666ster - 2015-03-20

Guy tells me to shut up, then admits the bacon craze was annoying. Makes sense.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-20

There were bacon memes? What the hell is going on?

poorwill - 2015-03-20

I have never liked bacon. Up until Gmork's bizarre outburst this wasn't something I'd ever been proud of.

jreid - 2015-03-20

Homer where have you been the past 5-ish years?

The internet won't shut the fuck up about bacon. It's one of the most overdone, obnoxious internet fetishes I can think of.


(4 stars because the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy, fuck these people)

EvilHomer - 2015-03-20

WHAT?! That's just stupid! I hate to call bullshit on KnowYourMeme, but... bullshit! Bacon is a food, not a meme.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-20

What websites are bacon memes popular on?

EvilHomer - 2015-03-20

... or is this one of those meatspace memes (harhar), like the Ninjas Vs Pirates thing was back in the day? I usually ran across Ninjas vs Pirates memes from nerds I knew IRL, but I do not socialize with nerds anymore, which may at least partly account for my complete ignorance of bacon memes.

Scrimmjob - 2015-03-20

I blame those epic meal time dorks!

Hooker - 2015-03-21

Bacon, like mullets, cat jokes, Chuck Norris, doge, and all sorts of other bullshit my mind refuses to dreg up are the bland, inoffensive, derivative jokes that take the place of something like Jay Leno for people under 40. There's never going to be a generation that doesn't love easily digested comedy.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-21

I've never encountered bacon as a meme on the internet, but it's become pretty common on TV. I remember a joke from That Seventies Show that refers to bacon as "The Devil's Candy". Hilarious, right?

>> I can eat a good 20 ounce steak, but the thought of eating 20 ounces of bacon makes me sick. Its too fatty, its too salty, its not filling. Bacon is a side. Bacon is a topping. Bacon is terribly overrated.

Would you eat 20 ounces of chocolate? As a side, and a topping, it's not overrated. Just a little bit can work magic. Some bacon, molasses, onion and ketchup can turn a 45 cent can of pork and beans into an extravagant comfort food. Sautéed spinach with bacon and onions is incredible.

I have a T shirt that says "I'd wrap that in bacon." I didn't buy it because I thought it was hilarious. I bought it because I like bacon.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-21

That's a pretty stupid question to be asking candidates to begin with. Did they get to weigh in on on their favorite color?

Cena_mark - 2015-03-20

I'm sure they'd be eating bacon no matter what. Pretty much an empty threat.

Cena_mark - 2015-03-20

You vegans need your own meme food. I suggest sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are unbelievably awesome.

mon666ster - 2015-03-20

We have kale. Gloriously overrated kale.

simon666 - 2015-03-20

Kale sucks, dude. Sweet potatoes are pretty good, but for a vegan meme food, I'm going for something less weeny, like the sweet and sour chicken they serve at the various vegan Chinese places or the fake lamb claypots.

infinite zest - 2015-03-20

Id say just the tofurkey bacon, because it sucks. True Kale story: they were asking Portland mayoral candidates what their favorite food was, and one of the candidates founded a local supermarket (think whole foods but more expensive) and everybody else said Lobster, Steak, etc. and she said "kale." Her popularity took a huge drop and that's why we have a shitty mayor. Because kale.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-21

Shit. Why do I keep fucking up the reply?

That's a pretty stupid question to be asking candidates to begin with. Did they get to weigh in on on their favorite color?

infinite zest - 2015-03-21

It's a dumb question but it's pretty standard; I mean it wasn't at a press conference but just some random off-the-cuff question that an interviewer asked: I remember there was some controversy with Obama in the primaries, he talked about South Chicago and how much he loves The Black Sox, and was asked what his favorite player was and he couldn't name one current player.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-21

I think this is obnoxious and silly, but if I was someone who might purchase this book, I might not. I guess it's a clever way to turn shitty amazon reviews into an opportunity for promotion.

Quad9Damage - 2015-03-21

Reviews can only be 'Verified' if the product is in the reviewer's Amazon purchase history. The label won't be available if the reviewer bought the book from, say, Barnes & Noble or borrowed it from a library.

In other words, they could be eating bacon at people who actually did read the book. This was brought up a few times in the YouTube comments, to which the troll couple always reply, "take a picture of yourself reading it as proof."

That guy - 2015-03-21

Side note- anyone trying to imagine how the caliban on the left landed the JV cheerleader on the right?

Hooker - 2015-03-22

Yeah, I'm quite interested in how that happened myself.

bopeton - 2015-03-21

Inspired by Maddox?


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