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Comment count is 5
Gmork - 2015-02-16

Weapons grade cuteness

yogarfield - 2015-02-16

I tried to resist, but my heart melted around 2:30.

infinite zest - 2015-02-16

I made it to 0:05. Sorry, drinky fox.. I always wanted a pet Fox. When I was living in Wisconsin I took my Gerbil to the vet and someone brought in their Fox who had injured its leg or something and it was the cutest thing in the world. Must've been a weird day for the vet though.. Foxes are illegal as pets in Wisconsin and Gerbils, well I don't know how many people bring them in even though everybody should. I kinda felt like we were those two people who order really complicated cocktails at a dive bar, the vodka tonics being the usual cats and dogs to the vet.

yogarfield - 2015-02-16


infinite zest - 2015-02-16

FOXegory sounds like some classified FOXHOUND dossier from Metal Gear Solid.

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