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Comment count is 11
Old_Zircon - 2007-03-16


kingarthur - 2007-03-16

5 Stars for the most horrible thing I've ever heard. For shame. SHAAAME!

eSensei - 2007-03-16

Good song, never seen it synched with the original video though

Smellvin - 2007-03-16

I listened to this for a week straight when it first came out.

EvilHomer - 2007-03-16

Fuck all the haters. Nina Gordon is straight up gangsta!

Shion - 2007-03-16

Congrats Gordon, you just made it parody.

Ersatz - 2007-03-16

The Gourds covered rap well. Now everyone else stop, you're neither funny nor original.

Daughters of Uzbek - 2007-03-16

For some reason, it really adds to the song when the "er" in nigger is enunciated by a white lady.

Concerned Citizen - 2007-03-17

Anyone who has an opinion on this song has a terrible taste in music either way.

sudan no1 - 2007-03-19

ROFL!!!! (was that an opinion?)

Princess v2.1 - 2007-08-11


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