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Desc:Wacky times in a family-run outer space restaurant/hotel, uploaded by one of the show's FX techs.
Category:Classic TV Clips, General Station
Tags:Aliens, 70s, sitcom, laugh track, pop-cultural ephemera
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Comment count is 10
fluffy - 2014-11-28

I actually like this, although it'd be way better without the laugh track (which seems to just be set to fire off at random). There's some pretty great incongruities in this that really work well.

baleen - 2014-11-28

I would have watched the fuck out of this show!!! Damn you CBS.

boner - 2014-11-28

Great idea. A Star Wars show in which nobody goes anywhere or does anything.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2014-11-28

Sounds like DS9.

Maggot Brain - 2014-11-28

Wasn't DS9 about a space casino or was that Babylon 5?

baleen - 2014-11-28

They both had casinos I think, but Babylon 5 broke away from the "people with bumps on their faces are aliens" trope. DS9 had the proud Bajoran race of Long Island Jews with bumpy noses and they were an entire thing.

garcet71283 - 2014-11-28

Dammit, beat me to saying DS9.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-11-28

Looks like they took a "shotgun" approach to the concept hoping one or two elements would hit the target.

Old_Zircon - 2014-11-28

I wonder if being an effects tech for something like this was as fun as it sounds. Probably not.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-11-28

"Hey, we want you to make us some state-of-the art effects for our sci-fi show."


"Here's a hundred bucks."

"Uh...oh. Okay."

"Bring back the change."

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