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Comment count is 3
infinite zest - 2014-07-20


Is dupe but I don't care. No offense to OP but I don't really like "too ___ for 73Q" even though I'm guilty of doing it myself. Music videos belong on music video sites; if there were more incredible videos like these, maybe more people would visit ol' 73Q

infinite zest - 2014-07-20

Also I remember posting this on facebook after seeing it on here, and it was so polarizing- friends who were then-mothers were either like "THAT WAS AWESOME" or "THAT WAS THE SICKEST THING EVER." You can probably guess which ones I kept as FB friends and whose kids I might want to hang out with some day when they're older.

infinite zest - 2014-07-20

err.. "then-new-mothers." :)

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