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Desc:We know her Friends are fake because all their profile pictures are of her.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Religious
Tags:dr phil, facebook, horrible cringfinity, I gave you guys a phone number, but the phone number doesnt exist
Submitted:Sexy Duck Cop
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Comment count is 12
infinite zest - 2014-03-06

I'm imagining a Dr Phil where they interview a poeTV user who created six user profiles under six different emails to get their submitted video out of the hopper. "Was that True Detective cat parody that important to you?" "Infared Zest is a real person. I emailed him this last week."

Sexy Duck Cop - 2014-03-06

"What's your first name, Mr. Burns?"

"I don't know."

infinite zest - 2014-03-06

friends with Guy Incognito on facebook

infinite zest - 2014-03-06

(that dog has a puffy tail!!)

Sexy Duck Cop - 2014-03-06

"If Kourtnie's phone doesn't work, why can't our crew visit her at home?"

"She is at the pornography store. She is buying pornography."

infinite zest - 2014-03-06

This is actually really sad. I'm assuming there's a lawsuit involved or something over the non-existent dead baby.. if that's not the case then this is just bullying. You might as well interview everyone who has a Second Life account or plays World of Warcraft and has their username as their work e-mail address.

Hell, you might as well fuck with people who post facebook profile pictures of themselves from 5 years ago when they were more attractive, and ask why they don't update their profile picture so people would know what they look like if they're to run into them outside of facebook.

People like to use the internet to escape from reality. When I had a guinea pig, I made a facebook for him, and one for my cat. Cats and guinea pigs can't talk or type, nor can babies. If Kourtnie is indeed fake, which I'm assuming she is, let a girl vicariously live out her ideal existence through this fictional character.

baleen - 2014-03-06

Dr. Phil is such an awful person and I dearly wish he would be thrown into a Guatemalan prison.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-03-06

I want him to share a cell with Dr. Oz and food will only start being delivered to it once one has killed and eaten the other.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2014-03-06

He seems so lost dealing with an actual mentally ill person instead of yelling at a vaguely slutty teenager.

bongoprophet - 2014-03-06

I don't know, he gave that gangstalking victim more time than I ever would. Of course he probably doesn't realize that there is more than one of them.

baleen - 2014-03-06

"He seems so lost dealing with an actual mentally ill person instead of yelling at a vaguely slutty teenager."

Exactly. He's an offensively overpaid Baptist country minister with a piece of doctory looking paper on his wall.

Enjoy - 2014-03-06

I just can't wrap my head around this. Did the Onion team up with Dr. Phil to do some self-aware humor piece or something? Was this really a serious show?

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