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Comment count is 14
gravelstudios - 2013-08-31

May I humbly suggest the 'Pets of the Elder Gods' tag.

Pillager - 2013-08-31

I was on the fence about that. Seems too innocuous to storm the beaches of Innsmouth or scout for shoggoths.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2013-08-31

Soon! soon our ancestors will conquer the unclaimed "land" above the seas surface.

Riskbreaker - 2013-08-31

Well, it's smaller from what i imagine.

Aelric - 2013-08-31

Well, that's likely how we all started on the road to being land dwellers, right?

Aelric - 2013-08-31

Also, to those who get it: Meisterbrau.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-31

Meet the new walking shark, same as the old walking shark.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-08-31

Knock knock knock
"Hello? Who is it?"
"just a minute ---ARGHHHHHHH!"

SixDigitDebt - 2013-09-01

For you.

baleen - 2013-08-31

Awww, look at those little galoshes.

robotkarateman - 2013-08-31

What, nobody's yet cited a wikipedia article stating uncategorically that despite popular belief these fins are not used for walking?

The Mothership - 2013-09-01

whats up with those funky little sand mounds?

kingarthur - 2013-09-01

They're waste from fish eating coral. No wait, from coral eating fish. Basically they're poop and sediment.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-09-01

And Gyo comes one step closer to reality.

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