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Desc:Surprised he hasn't had his kneecaps smashed by a sledgehammer yet.
Category:General Station
Tags:prostitution, , too much free time, johns, videoviglanteokc
Submitted:Scrotum H. Vainglorious
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Comment count is 16
Hooker - 2013-06-21

In fairness to the Johns, who could resist these tempting Oklahoma ladies?

jangbones - 2013-06-21

Boomer Sooner

Bort - 2013-06-21

2:00 - they have Dollar General in Oklahoma City. This is important because Dollar General's house brand (Clover Valley) sells rebranded Girl Scout cookies, including the coveted Thin Mints. So if you ever wanted to say "fuck you I hope you become a prostitute" to a Girl Scout, start with Dollar General.

memedumpster - 2013-06-21

I have lived next to Dollar Generals most of my life and I had no idea about that. Do they taste better than the Girlscout versions, because those are only good if you're reeeaaaally drunk.

Bort - 2013-06-21

Honestly, I don't know. I'm not into Girl Scout cookies, but I do know enough people who obsess over Thin Mints that it seemed like a significant fact to share.

As for myself, Spekulatius has ruined me for all other cookies.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-21

I'll file that next to the knowledge that (5 years ago, at least) the KEB chain in southern Texas still shelved a knockoff of Wild N Mild Ranch Fritos (the greatest junkfood ever invented, 1988ish - 1992ish RIP) that allegedly taste identical to the real thing.

Bort - 2013-11-08

Update: the best deal on Spekulatius is at Aldi. Unfortunately it's only a seasonal offering.

spikestoyiu - 2013-06-21

Dude's language here is kind of creepy. "Our women", etc.

spikestoyiu - 2013-06-21

And I was disappointed that I didn't see the girl in the preload anywhere in this video. I'd probably let her give me whatever it is she has.

Hooker - 2013-06-21

That pre-load is my favourite part. This guy might think he's sticking up for prostitutes, but he's certainly not averse to exploiting them in different ways.

M-DEEM - 2013-06-21

All the music was great but I like that the black guy got an awesome urban soundtrack.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-21

If this was about sticking up fro prostitutes rather than about this guy's creepy, repressed fetish, he would blur their faces.

Brian Bates indeed.

EvilHomer - 2013-06-21

I love two young ladies' reaction to him around the four minute mark. That alone is worth five stars.

Being a White Knight can sometimes be a lonely, thankless job.

Cherry Pop Culture - 2013-06-21

I love the first guy had a Bush sticker on his car. It was so magical.

Simillion - 2013-06-22

*fap fap fap* *splort splort* *twitch* *wipe* FLUUUUSH

blood_visions - 2013-06-22

being from mephis the weirdest part about this for me is that so many of this girls are white and so many of them are actually girls. Also its a little amazing this guy hasnt been assaulted or shot

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