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Comment count is 9
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-06-01

If looks could kill, the police will do the killing.

TeenerTot - 2013-06-01

Body language=threat!

Rafiki - 2013-06-01


Maru - 2013-06-01

good looking out, pill

Rosebeekee - 2013-06-01

God bless these noble men. I'll sleep well tonight knowing that the streets are safe now.

memedumpster - 2013-06-01

Cops should not be paid for the work they do, they should be punished.

kingarthur - 2013-06-02

Well, at least they didn't kill him. Because that's happened twice in the last 6 years where I live...

The Mothership - 2013-06-02

dehumanizing stares

Spaceman Africa - 2013-06-02

kill cops

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