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Desc:Creationists don't need to provide evidence because God already knows they're 100% right.
Category:Religious, Science & Technology
Tags:christians, creationists, Eric Hovind, logical fallacies 101
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Comment count is 11
Innocent Bystander - 2013-01-09

This is pretty much the core reason why I fear this discussion will never leave the trenches that have been dug. Fundies genuinely believe that it is an irrefutable fact that God exists and people who say otherwise are either super crazy bonkers or purposefully obtuse or just evil.

IrishWhiskey - 2013-01-09

Bear in mind that staying in the trenches is often the point. It wouldn't really cost religious leaders anything to concede basic points of science like evolution. It's no more of a problem for the Bible than the earth being flat.

But by forcing their adherents to believe something that puts them at odds with other social groups and society in general, they maintain the group "us vs them" dynamic that keeps them in the authority of those leaders, and suspicious of all others sources of knowledge. They talk about how faith is good in itself, as a form of blind belief in what they tell people, not whether those beliefs actually match the Bible, let alone reality.

IrishWhiskey - 2013-01-09

"And God is on trial"

No, your claims about God are on trial in the sense they aren't just accepted by default. Just like your claims about anything else.

If you start prefacing all your arguments with "someone says that" before describing what you believe God said and did, suddenly the skepticism makes far more sense.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-01-09

You got me, I do believe that God exists, and I say, fuck you your honor.

Quad9Damage - 2013-01-09

"The Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, The Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, The Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, The Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, The Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture, the Scripture..."

I wholeheartedly accept your ancient book of outdated ideas and questionable sources as irrefutable proof that God should be acquitted from... what the Scripture says we are not to accuse him of.

Hooker - 2013-01-09

More and more, I realize that the single greatest problem with people trying to talk to one another is a profound loss of perspective.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-01-09

Except you have one side of the discussion that's not only clinging to a fairy tale, they're working to make sure nobody else disagrees with them, often through legislature and school boards. What perspective can accommodate someone who won't even acknowledge a basic difference between belief/faith and observable facts?

Would you be as sympathetic if the discussion was about the existence or non-existence of pink quadrocorns that cause morgellon's disease?

Hooker - 2013-01-09

As if to prove my point.

Who said I was sympathetic? How did you read that?

GovtCensor - 2013-01-09

I'm sympathetic. Because you are liberals. MOLON LABE.

memedumpster - 2013-01-09

The reason we have a secular society is so the standard Christian will to stupidity doesn't lead to a pogrom eradicating them in a blood bath in the streets.

They better pray this society stands, because no one not Christian wants these fucking people on earth. No one.

Eroticus E - 2013-01-09

You got me. I really do know God exists. I mostly deny it because I'm looking forward to that eternity of torture.

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