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Comment count is 8
Meerkat - 2012-12-31

He is a jolly rapist

Meerkat - 2012-12-31

BTW Jolly Rapist candies are not very good.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-12-31

It's really hard to have sympathy for a fish. I'm trying, Lord, I'm trying.

baleen - 2012-12-31

I have not been able to notice any difference in quality between a "farm-raised" trout and a transported, previously frozen sea-caught trout. The only issue I have with it really is the usual question of sustainability. The fish meal is probably coming from menhaden or some other vital species we are currently driving toward extinction.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2013-01-01

Salmon are usually fed sardine pellets. That blows ass, as sardines are a delicious and valuable food fish themselves.

That guy - 2012-12-31

unremarked-on shot of a bird of prey

chumbucket - 2012-12-31

Looking forward to the activation of "unrelated shot of a bird".

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2013-01-01

Perfect soundtrack for the feeding fish...

then it disturbingly transforms into low budget porn music forty seconds in.

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