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Desc:Loon explains how the tone in your phone is created by nazis to damage your DNA and make you sick.
Category:Educational, Science & Technology
Tags:insanity, Nazis, Joseph Goebbels, dial tone, frequency
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Comment count is 5
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-08-28

If I understand this nutball correctly, the Nazis wanted broadcasts of music to be in a certain tonal range because it causes allergies, sickness, etc.

Funny how I was here operating under the impression that the Nazis largely relied on tanks, bombs, and guns. The next time someone invades my house, I'll wave a phone at them and watch them melt into a pile of asthma.

Syd Midnight - 2012-08-28

I think that's part of the LaRouche gospel, A=440 intonation is evil because universal harmonics, Hitler, Satan etc.

Comedy Gold: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schiller_Institute

StanleyPain - 2012-08-28

I read it on a blog that referenced a website that cited a rumor which was verified by a Usenet post, and by printing all of them out on paper it instantly makes it all true.

IrishWhiskey - 2012-08-28

I'm surprised he's got any audience for this fear-mongering when no one ever hears a dial tone anymore. Cell phones made them obsolete. The only people who'd hear it often are very old people who fear change and...


cognitivedissonance - 2012-08-28

The Nazis were purest evil, occult-shit flying out of every orifice, with no purpose or reason besides the destruction of all hope and dignity of the human race. And they built the Pyramids. AND the Aztec Pyramids.

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