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Desc:Lammy meets a pilot who thinks he's still in the war. She must use her guitar chops to help him fly.
Category:Video Games, Music Videos
Tags:Um Jammer Lammy, playstation, airplane, gitbox
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Comment count is 7
TheSnake - 2007-01-10

Make a Parappa sequel and I'll get a PS3, deal?

onemorepanic - 2007-01-10

that's my vital idol!

Pandatronic - 2007-01-10

The first level was the best, but this is still cool.

citrusmirakel - 2007-04-07

"Did I eat my drink? I thought milk was pink." Awesome.

Lindner - 2007-04-19

When does this come out on PSP, damn it?

thebaronsdoctor - 2007-05-27

That was gooder than good!

johnnyhamhock - 2007-07-20

I never noticed...she mouths the words he sings, as she plays the guitar. Perhaps she was meant to sing along a la Parappa and this got cut>?

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