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Comment count is 9
Hooker - 2012-06-23

I remember when poeTV had a lot more of these videos.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-23


StanleyPain - 2012-06-23


Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-23

"When I asked you to take me places, this isn't what I meant!"

craptacular - 2012-06-24

i can't believe you've done this

chairsforcheap - 2012-06-24

holy shit this is outstanding.

Gmork - 2012-06-24

something something if tim and eric had done it something something one star

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-25

If T&E had done this both kids would have been singing a crappy song, slap instead of punch, and one of the kids would had stare directly at the camera for 5 minutes. Basically, every single way you could sabotage this would have been there, and more.

oddeye - 2014-03-31

This should happen to anyone that wears a guns n' roses t-shirt.

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