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Desc:The International Astronomical Union only demoted Pluto after this hard hitting expose was aired.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Science & Technology
Tags:Disney, 90s, documentary, ufo, CEO
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Comment count is 5
kingarthur - 2012-03-12

Is this ride still running? I remember being in it as a kid and the part where the alien gets loose and seemingly breathes down your neck and flies around the theater was fairly titillating in a pre-pubescent cheap thrill sort of way.

Chalkdust - 2012-03-12

you got a boner from it?

kingarthur - 2012-03-12

I neglected to mention the other 11 year old next to me was a girl and she held my hand. But maybe fear turns me on. Who knows?

Shrimp Plissken - 2012-03-12

The ride was changed to Stitch's Great Escape, which is basically the same thing but repackaged as to not scare the living shit out of every kid that rode it.

dead_cat - 2012-03-15

Was this the one where Jeffrey Jones is dressed as craptastic appliance alien in the video intro that plays right before the alien monster is accidentally "teleported" in with the audience?

Oh fuck, I just realized this guy is supposed to look like Carl Sagan.

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