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Comment count is 12
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-02-13

Leaning into the blows and flailing your arms is a great way to win a fight.

blood_visions - 2012-02-13

Needs a memphis tag. I love this town

Ursa_minor - 2012-02-13

Turner did bring up some interesting points though, if you think about it.

kingofthenothing - 2012-02-13

no, no he didn't.

Wonko the Sane - 2012-02-13

useless shit for useless shitheels

heyitslozeau - 2012-02-13

Yeah! Poetv is only for useful videos. You know, that you can USE.

chumbucket - 2012-02-14

I'd even consider this "one to grow on"

memedumpster - 2012-02-13

A person in authority that didn't immediately gun someone down when confronted should be rewarded. This hasn't happened in 30 some odd years.

RocketBlender - 2012-02-13

I agree. Didn't even think to go for a weapon, actually bothers to keep himself a shape. Definitely not a Texas cop.

heyitslozeau - 2012-02-13

How can you dominate someone so extensively without even knocking a guy down or hurting him?

didcotmassif - 2012-02-14

cos real life isn't films

TheMarsTravolta - 2012-02-13

No eye gouges. No shots to the throat, knees, andles, groin. Man would have had the license to do a lot worse. I like this guy.

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