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Comment count is 19
TheDevilsDictionary - 2011-12-24

Owa coont ray.

Cena_mark - 2011-12-24

As much as smug Yourapeeins make fun America's ignorant racists, their ignorant racists are far more ignorant and racist.

The Mothership - 2011-12-24

These are proper, dyed-in-the-wool Britains; they have made it very clear that they want nothing to do with Europeans.

bopeton - 2011-12-24

at least 60 seconds of this are about the Muslamics trying to put Yee-racki law down on London.

fedex - 2011-12-24

mostly stars for "Muslamic"

SweaterCollection - 2011-12-24

So, basically, the joke is that the guy says "rape gangs" and it sounds like "ray guns", for those who are confused.

ashtar. - 2012-01-30

He's obviously talking about the Muslamic Regan, the Great Communicator prophesied in the Qur'an, whose coming will portend the dawn of Morning in Muslam.

klingerbgoode - 2011-12-24


The Mothership - 2011-12-24

These people are awful.

La Loco - 2011-12-24

You only get as stupid as these people are by lots of inbreeding and or addiction to huffing.

riedquat - 2011-12-24

lots of White Lightning cider

magnesium - 2011-12-24

I must not speak English very well, because I couldn't understand half of what this guy said. Something about "Muslimic Law" and then ray guns and then getting raped.

Corpus Delectable - 2011-12-24

Chaucer, Shakespeare, this FAS dimwit. Ah, the intricate beauty and subtle expressive power of the English language.

smellslikefish - 2011-12-24

News stations always find the dumbest in the crowd to interview....so five stars for this gem.

Anaxagoras - 2011-12-24

This is what Britons actually believe.

jimmicampkin - 2011-12-24

This is what a lot of Britons believe... but only a minority are willing to go on camera and babble this nonsense.

Syd Midnight - 2011-12-25

Once upon a time they'd have issued this guy a Brown Bess and shipped him off somewhere very far away to die from malaria or typhoid fever or muslims or something.

chumbucket - 2011-12-25

Clearly the coat of a pint has put these guys back out into the streets and protesting "somefin".

chumbucket - 2011-12-25


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