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Comment count is 11
La Loco - 2011-11-14

I've been to Omaha. It sucks. This video is pretty much a warning to stay away.

hammsangwich - 2011-11-14

Omaha has a Fatburger. That counts for something.

La Loco - 2011-11-14

But they shut down their only good bar, the 49er.

citrusmirakel - 2011-11-15

You can't has 2-4-1's at the 49er?

Redford - 2011-11-15

I actually spent many years of my life living in the Council Bluffs/Omaha area, and liked it quite a bit.

That doesn't make this any less retarded though.

memedumpster - 2011-11-14

That slight incline in the road at the beginning leads me to believe that this was not made anywhere near Nebraska.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-11-14

Featuring the only black dude in Nebraska.

citrusmirakel - 2011-11-15

Flocain can't seem to focus his eyes on anything. It's definitely possible that it's the crystal meth doing it, but I think it's definitely possible that Flocain is retarded.

The Mothership - 2011-11-14

Say what you want, but Lucky Charm has some flow to him.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-11-14

I'm not watching the video. The preview image is enough.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-11-14

This video is now 33% of what I know about Omaha. The other 2/3 are "Steaks" and "Where Warren Buffet is from"

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